Complementary Technologies (Butadiene/Butylene Production)

CDIB® High Purity Isobutylene

Lummus Technology offers the MTBE decomposition technology CDIB® for the production of high purity isobutylene.Two routes are available: (1) via an integrated unit using CDMtbe® and CDIB technologies; and (2) via a standalone CDIB technology.

In the integrated unit, isobutylene present in C4s from refinery or petrochemical sources is first reacted with methanol to produce MTBE (methyl butyl tertiary ether) via the CDMtbe process. The MTBE produced is then subsequently decomposed to isobutylene and methanol via the CDIB process. This combination provides a highly-selective means of removing the isobutylene from the C4s stream.

A standalone CDIB unit can process any commercial grade MTBE available in the market. Methanol is a by-product from this unit that can be further purified depending on the customer’s requirements.

Isobutylene purities of 99.98% (Grade A) can be readily achieved employing Lummus Technology's CDIB technology.

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